Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hot Babes of SL: AnnaBianca

Ladies and Gentleman, may I present Hot SL babe, AnnaBianca Resident.

Self-described Geek Girl who lives "in the same time zone as SL."

I found AnnaBianca skillfully and politely deflecting noob attentions in the Golden Gate Bridge sim in Second Life.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hot Babes of SL: Puma Selona

It's time for me to return to SL Blogging. What better way than to start a series devoted to my favorite subject. Hot Chicks in Second Life!

Submitted for your approval: Puma Selona!

She has what it takes to get on my blog. Great shape and skin. No tattoos.

Thanks for being there when I turned my camera, Puma!

A new series: Hot Babes of SL

I'm blogging again and what better subject than attractive female shapes.

Oh sure. I could write about the current state of SL, How LL has screwed-up something or other, Best SL Viewers, Real vs. Virtual Identity, ecommerce in virtual worlds, etcetera etcetera.

Screw that! Bring on the eye candy!

Phin's rules -

Great shape.
Great skin.
No tattoos.