Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hot Babes of SL: AnnaBianca

Ladies and Gentleman, may I present Hot SL babe, AnnaBianca Resident.

Self-described Geek Girl who lives "in the same time zone as SL."

I found AnnaBianca skillfully and politely deflecting noob attentions in the Golden Gate Bridge sim in Second Life.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hot Babes of SL: Puma Selona

It's time for me to return to SL Blogging. What better way than to start a series devoted to my favorite subject. Hot Chicks in Second Life!

Submitted for your approval: Puma Selona!

She has what it takes to get on my blog. Great shape and skin. No tattoos.

Thanks for being there when I turned my camera, Puma!

A new series: Hot Babes of SL

I'm blogging again and what better subject than attractive female shapes.

Oh sure. I could write about the current state of SL, How LL has screwed-up something or other, Best SL Viewers, Real vs. Virtual Identity, ecommerce in virtual worlds, etcetera etcetera.

Screw that! Bring on the eye candy!

Phin's rules -

Great shape.
Great skin.
No tattoos.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Elle's situation

Many of you have asked about Elle's RL condition.

Here's her latest blog post written from her hospital bed.

Eladrienne's Other Life!: To My SL Friends