After more than a year of what I would call part-time experience in Second Life, I thought it was time to shake things up and explore more of the grid. Part of that exploration takes me into shapeshifter territory and even challenges what I think about myself and how I relate to others in SL.
I decided to be a shapeshifter and I'm having a blast. Now even when my friends are offgrid or otherwise busy on projects. I'm having fun again.
In addition to being a normal looking male where my avatar matches my Real Life as a straight-male, I have a variety of tiny avatars as well as canine avs (Collie and Border Collie).
But I'd say the most interesting development lately is my plunge into the female form....
Why would a straight male want to look at himself as an attractive female avatar at every login? Read the question again. The answer is right there. And I would agree with this article that having eye-candy while ingame is a major plus.
In addition to that I'm finding an interesting side to all this. I'm working hard already on my particular look and while it was difficult to find quality clothing as a male, it's downright overwhelming to see the plethera of opportunities one has as a female. There's more of everything!
When I started on this road a few days ago, I had initial help from my RL sister (Zoe Connolly in SL). I was amazed at the ammount of linden dollars she has spent in evolving her present appearance. I thought: "I don't need all that"
Boy, was I wrong! I've already spent in 2 days, more than I planned to for the entire month! How do you ladies do it?
Flickr: phineasmessmer's Photostream
I'm beaming for a number of reasons here, Phin. Chief of them all is that someone else can appreciate the fun inherent in having a female doll (literal or imagined from my perspective as a reader). The idea came naturally to me, but seeing how the male alternative could be perhaps not so.. flamboyant, I began to appreciate my marionette self a lot more.
I also stand by what I said in a Plurk earlier. You do look pretty. I reckon I'd love to meet you in-world sometime, whatever the form. :)
You look beautiful hon...
You do look good. Welcome to the world of always worrying about your looks :)
thanks for sharing your adventures! i'm fascinated! ....when i first joined SL i quailed at paying $50L for an outfit...then i discovered Touch of Ireland where the ave full outfit is approx $375 (a huge splurge then!)...Grim Bros for steampunk ave full outift (including stockings, hats, etc.) is a reasonable ave $275....but i also now easily spend $1000 a gown...because my NONNA obsession is costly but it also has great rewards...yes, being a girl is expensive...but oh so much fun!
now...what about makeup? i usually go without..
~Capt. Redgrrl Llewellyn, Queen Anne's Revenge & Caledon
I blogged your experimentation in this post on my blog
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